Liskow has been helping clients navigate the permitting process for many decades. In the field of environmental law, permitting and defense of permit challenges, is where the rubber truly meets the road. Whether a client is in the business of chemical manufacturing, refining, oil and gas production grain transportation, biodiesel, or solar power, permitting is always necessary, and frequently involves a complex game of three-dimensional chess with a variety of opponents. We help our clients play, and we help them win.
Of course, if a facility is small, or noncontroversial, permitting can be easy. However, if a client wants to significantly expand an existing operation, or build a new facility, or is in an industry that’s politically sensitive or even controversial, then permitting can mean lengthy negotiations with regulatory agencies, and the integration of political and strategic issues into the process. We focus on helping clients think, plan, and act ahead – what needs to be done in advance, so that in the future, you can successfully operate your business?
Managing stakeholders makes permitting possible
This often means dealing with opposition – environmental groups, community organizations, marketplace competitors, or others. We work with clients to help them lay the groundwork to anticipate and manage this, as well as assemble an administrative record that will stand up to legal challenges. We also help them think through, and execute against, potential political or community-based objections to a project, and ideally, begin working to build support long before the actual permit is sought.