Liskow & Lewis is now a member of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). The LCLD is an organization of more than 350 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners who have pledged themselves to create a truly diverse U.S. legal profession. Liskow & Lewis is continually seeking opportunities to expand its knowledge and awareness around diversity and inclusion and the firm looks forward to collaborating with other organizations that are also committed to making the legal industry more diverse and inclusive. In addition to collaborating with other firms, the LCLD also provides opportunities for diverse lawyers to receive professional and personal development opportunities, leadership training, and relationship-building opportunities.
Liskow & Lewis believe diversity and inclusion are much more than a statement, and we know that a diverse legal team produces better results and is what is best for our clients. The firm is constantly introducing new initiatives to promote and retain diverse attorneys and to promote and ensure an inclusive work culture. Our pursuit of inclusion encompasses gender equality, ethnic diversity, disabilities, and the acceptance of individual lifestyle choices and expressions. For information on how to join the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, click here.